College of Business

JSU College of Business Knack: Managed Peer Tutoring Program for Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Academic Tutoring
The College of Business is excited to announce a partnership with Knack, the fastest growing peer learning platform for college students, focused on helping students succeed in the classroom, and beyond.
Knack is a student success tool in the College of Business aimed at supporting students and providing them with the opportunity to engage in academic tutoring sessions for business courses that they may find somewhat challenging and difficult.
The Knack tutoring platform enables College of Business students to book business course-specific peer tutoring and mentoring services. Knack enables students to learn from one another. Knack’s platform allows students to book one-on-one and group tutoring sessions.
Knack Tutors are verified high-achieving undergraduate students from Jackson State University College of Business who have previously earned an “A” grade in the courses that they will be offering assistance. Tutoring is subsidized for all JSU College of Business students.
Knack Peer-to-Peer Tutoring Program Works
Students looking for additional assistance outside class are advised to consider working with a peer tutor through the JSU College of Business Knack Peer-to-Peer Tutoring Program. Students should go to to apply.
The Knack Tutoring platform allows students in need of tutoring services to book sessions on-demand from verified Jackson State University College of Business peer tutors who have previously earned an “A” grade in the exact courses they will be offering assistance.
Tutoring is completely free, and sessions can take place in-person or online.
Students should follow the steps shown below to request a free tutoring session for any College of Business undergraduate course:
- To view available tutors, students should visit and sign in with their student account.
- Create an account with your JSU Net ID – email address; sign-in with your JSU Net ID and Password.
- Submit a request and review the qualified tutors for the courses in which you are interested.
- Select your tutor, request a session with the tutor, and schedule a session.
- Meet with your tutor online.
Become a Tutor in the JSU College of Business Knack Peer- to-Peer Tutoring Program
High-achieving students (students who have earned an “A” grade in the College of Business undergraduate courses that they would like to offer assistance) can sign-up to become a verified College of Business Peer Tutor and earn $15.00 an hour.
Tutoring can be in groups, one-on-one, virtual, or in-person — tutor at your convenience.
Students interested in becoming a tutor should contact Dr. Sheila Porterfield, Associate Dean and Knack Program Administrator

Our Vision
The College of Business seeks to be recognized for having a positive impact on the lives of our students, successful career progression of our faculty, and contributions to the prosperity of the local community, Metro Jackson, and the State of Mississippi.
We will achieve our vision through offering unique educational opportunities and rigorous academic standards in the classroom, providing a supportive environment for faculty to excel in teaching and service, promoting relevant, high quality and highly impactful scholarship, and contributing to the economic development of the region and the state through national and global partnerships with educators and business owners.

College Of Business